The O-Shot® is a revolutionary treatment for women’s sexual dysfunction and incontinence.
You've heard the whispers at happy hour or heard your friends talk about it at the gym. No matter where you go, women are abuzz about the O-Shot®! So stop wondering and learn more about the shot that can lead to an improved sexual experience for women and get back to a better, more enjoyable sex life!
Women know that as we age our bodies undergo a lot of changes. As a result of childbirth, aging, or hormone issues, many women experience a decrease in vaginal lubrication. Unfortunately, this can cause sex to become less enjoyable, even painful and can make it harder for women to reach climax. This can cause women to avoid sex or not enjoy sex. O-Shot® can help change that. By using your body’s own platelets, the O-shot® injection has been shown to increase lubrication and can help alleviate incontinence problems.